
Low-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer (LGSOC) Self-Care

Taking care of yourself is seriously important.

Cancer can affect every part of your life. Low-grade serous ovarian cancer (also known as LGSOC) can be extra stressful because it comes with a unique set of challenges. LGSOC can be hard to treat, can come back, and is not well understood. At times, you may need help managing areas of your life that are affected by treatment. It’s also important to keep up with self-care during this time. This section offers tips on how to manage areas of your life that may feel unmanageable right now.

Bookmark this page and come back often throughout your treatment journey.

Taking care of yourself is
seriously important.

Cancer can affect every part of your life. Low-grade serous ovarian cancer (also known as LGSOC) can be extra stressful because it comes with a unique set of challenges. LGSOC can be hard to treat, can come back, and is not well understood. At times, you may need help managing areas of your life that are affected by treatment. It’s also important to keep up with self-care during this time. This section offers tips on how to manage areas of your life that may feel unmanageable right now.

Bookmark this page and come back often
throughout your treatment journey.

Talk to your doctor
if you are interested in learning more about any of the topics covered in this section.

The information on this page is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor(s). Always consult with your doctor(s) before starting a new regimen (exercise, diet, mental health, etc). Your doctor(s) know you and your condition best and can advise on what may work best for you.

Talk to your doctor if you are interested in learning more about any of the topics covered in this section.

The information on this page is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor(s). Always consult with your doctor(s) before starting a new regimen (exercise, diet, mental health, etc). Your doctor(s) know you and your condition best and can advise on what may work best for you.

Taking care of yourself is
seriously important.

Cancer can affect every part of your life. Low-grade serous ovarian cancer (also known as LGSOC) can be extra stressful because it comes with a unique set of challenges. LGSOC can be hard to treat, can come back, and is not well understood. At times, you may need help managing areas of your life that are affected by treatment. It’s also important to keep up with self-care during this time. This section offers tips on how to manage areas of your life that may feel unmanageable right now.

Bookmark this page and come back often throughout your treatment journey.

Talk to your doctor if you are interested in learning more about any of the topics covered in this section.

The information on this page is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor(s). Always consult with your doctor(s) before starting a new regimen (exercise, diet, mental health, etc). Your doctor(s) know you and your condition best and can advise on what may work best for you.

Find a medical team you trust

  • Your ovarian cancer specialist (a type of doctor who treats LGSOC) will be a key member of your care team. Your doctor should be able to help you find one in your area.
  • Consider a second opinion. Meeting (in person or virtually) with more than one ovarian cancer specialist may help you find a treatment option that you are confident in and feels right for you.
  • Connect with a center of excellence. A center of excellence is a hospital where doctors are experts in treating people with specific diseases and conditions, like LGSOC.

Find a medical team you trust

  • Your ovarian cancer specialist (a type of doctor who treats LGSOC) will be a key member of your care team. Your doctor should be able to help you find one in your area
  • Consider a second opinion. Meeting (in person or virtually) with more than one ovarian cancer specialist may help you find a treatment option that you are confident in and feels right for you
  • Connect with a center of excellence. A center of excellence is a hospital where doctors are experts in treating people with specific diseases and conditions, like LGSOC

Caregivers, friends, and family: Make sure to check in with your loved ones often during this process. Go with them to meet potential providers and tour treatment centers if possible.

Caregivers, friends, and family:
Make sure to check in with your loved ones often during this process. Go with them to meet potential providers and tour treatment centers if possible.

Caregivers, friends, and family: Make sure to check in with your loved ones often during this process. Go with them to meet potential providers and tour treatment centers if possible.

Orange silhouette icon of three people symbolizing community

Connect with the low-grade serous ovarian cancer community

Meet other people with LGSOC. You’re not alone. There are several groups and forums on social media sites that are full of people on a similar cancer journey, and their experiences may help you better understand yours.

Below are some support groups for people with ovarian cancer:

Cure Ovarian Cancer logo
National Ovarian Cancer Coalition logo
Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance logo
STAAR Ovarian Cancer Foundation logo + motto: survive. thrive. advocate. advance research.
Orange silhouette icon of three people symbolizing community

Connect with the low-grade serous ovarian cancer community

Meet other people with LGSOC. You’re not alone. There are several groups and forums on social media sites that are full of people on a similar cancer journey, and their experiences may help you better understand yours.

Below are some support groups for people with ovarian cancer:

Side by side: Cure Ovarian Cancer logo + Call to action: Sexual health resources
National Ovarian Cancer Coalition logo
Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance logo
STAAR Ovarian Cancer Foundation logo + motto: survive. thrive. advocate. advance research.
Orange silhouette icon of three people symbolizing community

Connect with the low-grade serous ovarian cancer community

Meet other people with LGSOC. You’re not alone. There are several groups and forums on social media sites that are full of people on a similar cancer journey, and their experiences may help you better understand yours.

Below are some support groups for people with ovarian cancer:

Side by side: Cure Ovarian Cancer logo + Call to action: Sexual health resources
National Ovarian Cancer Coalition logo
Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance logo
STAAR Ovarian Cancer Foundation logo + motto: survive. thrive. advocate. advance research.
Caregivers: Consider connecting with other caregivers. There are support groups for caregivers that can provide you with insight and information you may find helpful.
Below are some support groups for caregivers:
National Ovarian Cancer Coalition logo
Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance logo
Caregivers: Consider connecting with other caregivers. There are support groups for caregivers that can provide you with insight and information you may find helpful.
Below are some support groups for caregivers:
National Ovarian Cancer Coalition logo
Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance logo

Watch videos about low-grade serous ovarian cancer

Watch videos about low-grade serous ovarian cancer

Watch videos about low-grade serous ovarian cancer

Make your mental health a priority

It’s not uncommon for mental health to be impacted by cancer treatment.

Text in circle: 3X more likely

People with ovarian cancer are 3 times
more likely to be diagnosed with a mental
illness than the general public.

Talk to your doctor about any issues you may be experiencing, or consider talking to a licensed therapist.

Make your mental health a priority

It’s not uncommon for mental health to be impacted by cancer treatment.

Text in circle: 3X more likely

People with ovarian cancer are 3 times
more likely to be diagnosed with a mental
illness than the general public.

Talk to your doctor about any issues you may be experiencing, or consider talking to a licensed therapist.

Caregivers, friends, and family, caring for your own mental health is equally important.

Caregivers, friends, and family,
caring for your own
mental health is equally important.

Caregivers, friends, and family, caring for your own mental health is equally important.

Consider connecting with a licensed therapist in person or online. Here are some resources to get started:

Steps Through OC logo
Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance logo
Foundation for Women's Cancer logo

The information presented here is not a substitute for professional advice.

Consider connecting with a licensed therapist in person or online. Here are some resources to get started:

Steps Through OC logo
Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance logo
Foundation for Women's Cancer logo

The information presented here is not a substitute for professional advice.

Consider connecting with a licensed therapist in person or online. Here are some resources to get started:

Steps Through OC logo
Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance logo
Foundation for Women's Cancer logo

The information presented here is not a substitute for professional advice.

Nutrition is important during and after treatment

A healthy, nutritious diet is a key part of managing symptoms. Working with a nutrition professional can make eating healthy easier because they help you to create a diet that includes the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients you need to stay strong.

A nutrition professional can help you:

• Manage common treatment symptoms

• Ensure your body’s basic nutrient and calorie goals are met

• Keep a healthy weight and avoid muscle loss

• Maintain your overall quality of life during and after treatment

Talk to a nutrition professional, preferably an RD (Registered Dietitian) who is also a CSO (Board Certified Specialist in Oncology Nutrition). Your care team may include one or be able to recommend one. If they cannot, consider contacting the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance logo

Nutrition is important during and after treatment

A healthy, nutritious diet is a key part of managing symptoms. Working with a nutrition professional can make eating healthy easier because they help you to create a diet that includes the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients you need to stay strong.

A nutrition professional can help you:

• Manage common treatment symptoms

• Ensure your body’s basic nutrient and calorie goals are met

• Keep a healthy weight and avoid muscle loss

• Maintain your overall quality of life during and after treatment

Talk to a nutrition professional, preferably an RD (Registered Dietitian) who is also a CSO (Board Certified Specialist in Oncology Nutrition). Your care team may include one or be able to recommend one. If they cannot, consider contacting the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance logo
Photo of Amanda Sobhani, a licensed nutritionist and someone living with LGSOC. Pictured wearing a black top and teal waterfall earrings
Photo of Amanda Sobhani, a licensed nutritionist and someone living with LGSOC. Pictured wearing a black top and teal waterfall earrings

Amanda Sobhani
is a licensed Nutritionist as well as someone living with LGSOC. Amanda will be sharing professional insights about staying healthy on your treatment journey.

If you have questions about eating healthy, use the link below to submit questions or topics that you are interested in learning more about.

Amanda Sobhani
is a licensed Nutritionist as well as someone living with LGSOC. Amanda will be sharing professional insights about staying healthy on your treatment journey.

If you have questions about eating healthy, use the link below to submit questions or topics that you are interested in learning more about.

Amanda Sobhani
is a licensed Nutritionist as well as someone living with LGSOC. Amanda will be sharing professional insights about staying healthy on your treatment journey.

If you have questions about eating healthy, use the link below to submit questions or topics that you are interested in learning more about.

The information presented on this site is not a substitute for professional advice. Consult a medical professional before making any dietary or lifestyle changes. Amanda Sobhani is a paid consultant of Verastem Oncology and a patient living with LGSOC.

Side by side: American Institute for Cancer Research logo + Call to action: Recipes for people with cancer

The information presented on this site is not a substitute for professional advice. Consult a medical professional before making any dietary or lifestyle changes. Amanda Sobhani is a paid consultant of Verastem Oncology and a patient living with LGSOC.

Side by side: American Institute for Cancer Research logo + Call to action: Recipes for people with cancer

Exercise regularly

Stay active to maintain your overall health. Regular exercise can reduce fatigue, reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, and improve quality of life.

Ask your health care team to help create an exercise program that is right for you.

Side by side: Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance logo + Call to action: Benefits of exercise

Do not start an exercise routine without talking to your doctor(s) first. Regular exercise may not be appropriate for all people with LGSOC.

Exercise regularly

Stay active to maintain your overall health. Regular exercise can reduce fatigue, reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, and improve quality of life.

Ask your health care team to help create an exercise program that is right for you.

Side by side: Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance logo + Call to action: Benefits of exercise

Do not start an exercise routine without talking to your doctor(s) first. Regular exercise may not be appropriate for all people with LGSOC.

Learn how cancer treatment may affect your sex life

Cancer and cancer treatment may impact your sexual desire and function. Don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor if you have questions about sex. Your doctor can let you know what’s safe, what to avoid, and any other precautions you may need to take.

Side by side: Cure Ovarian Cancer logo + Call to action: Sexual health resources
Foundation for Women's Cancer logo
Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance logo

Learn how cancer treatment may affect your sex life

Cancer and cancer treatment may impact your sexual desire and function. Don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor if you have questions about sex. Your doctor can let you know what’s safe, what to avoid, and any other precautions you may need to take.

Side by side: Cure Ovarian Cancer logo + Call to action: Sexual health resources
Foundation for Women's Cancer logo
Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance logo

Learn how cancer treatment may affect your sex life

Cancer and cancer treatment may impact your sexual desire and function. Don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor if you have questions about sex. Your doctor can let you know what’s safe, what to avoid, and any other precautions you may need to take.

Side by side: Cure Ovarian Cancer logo + Call to action: Sexual health resources
Foundation for Women's Cancer logo
Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance logo

Discuss fertility with your doctor prior to surgery

Ovarian cancer surgeries and certain treatments can affect your ability to get pregnant. Talk to your doctor to learn about how your cancer and/or treatment may affect your fertility.

Below you can find information about ovarian cancer and fertility:

American Cancer Society logo
Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance logo

Discuss fertility with your doctor prior to surgery

Ovarian cancer surgeries and certain treatments can affect your ability to get pregnant. Talk to your doctor to learn about how your cancer and/or treatment may affect your fertility.

Below you can find information about ovarian cancer and fertility:

American Cancer Society logo
Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance logo

Discuss fertility with your doctor prior to surgery

Ovarian cancer surgeries and certain treatments can affect your ability to get pregnant. Talk to your doctor to learn about how your cancer and/or treatment may affect your fertility.

Below you can find information about ovarian cancer and fertility.

American Cancer Society logo
Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance logo

Don’t let treatment-induced menopause take you by surprise

People undergoing treatment for LGSOC may enter menopause early. This is due to treatments as well as surgical procedures, like an oophorectomy (the removal of 1 or both ovaries) or a hysterectomy (the removal of the uterus), that can induce menopause.

Dealing with menopause during cancer treatment isn’t easy. Don’t be afraid to lean on caregivers and loved ones for emotional support, and connect with people who have gone through or are going through a similar experience.

Side by side: Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance logo + Call to action: Side effects of menopause

Don’t let treatment-induced menopause take you by surprise

People undergoing treatment for LGSOC may enter menopause early. This is due to treatments as well as surgical procedures, like an oophorectomy (the removal of 1 or both ovaries) or a hysterectomy (the removal of the uterus), that can induce menopause.

Dealing with menopause during cancer treatment isn’t easy. Don’t be afraid to lean on caregivers and loved ones for emotional support, and connect with people who have gone through or are going through a similar experience.

Side by side: Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance logo + Call to action: Side effects of menopause

Complement your treatment plan with holistic medicine

Holistic medicine (also known as alternative, integrative, or complementary medicine) can help improve your well-being. The treatment that your doctor prescribed addresses your cancer directly. Holistic medicine can help complement your prescribed cancer treatment.

Below you can find information about holistic medicine:

National Cancer Institute logo
Mayo Clinic logo

Complement your treatment plan with holistic medicine

Holistic medicine (also known as alternative, integrative, or complementary medicine) can help improve your well-being. The treatment that your doctor prescribed addresses your cancer directly. Holistic medicine can help complement your prescribed cancer treatment.

Below you can find information about holistic medicine:

National Cancer Institute logo
Mayo Clinic logo

Complement your treatment plan with holistic medicine

Holistic medicine (also known as alternative, integrative, or complementary medicine) can help improve your well-being. The treatment that your doctor prescribed addresses your cancer directly. Holistic medicine can help complement your prescribed cancer treatment.

Below you can find information about holistic medicine:

National Cancer Institute logo
Mayo Clinic logo

Download a helpful doctor discussion guide

This guide will help you prepare for appointments with your doctor by walking you through important questions to ask about LGSOC treatment.

Download a helpful doctor discussion guide

This guide will help you prepare for appointments with your doctor by walking you through important questions to ask about LGSOC treatment.

Download a helpful doctor
discussion guide

This guide will help you prepare for appointments with your doctor by walking you through important questions to ask about LGSOC treatment.

1. Alternative cancer treatments: 11 options to consider. Mayo Clinic. Published January 27, 2022. Accessed February 23, 2023. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/cancer-treatment/in-depth/cancer-treatment/art-20047246

2. Babaier A, Mal H, Alselwi W, Ghatage P. Low-grade serous carcinoma of the ovary: the current status. Diagnostics (Basel). 2022;12(2)458. https://doi.org/10.3390/diagnostics12020458

3. Cancer support groups. National Cancer Institute. Updated January 24, 2019. Accessed February 23, 2023. https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/coping/adjusting-to-cancer/support-groups

4. Complementary and alternative medicine. National Cancer Institute. Updated March 21, 2022. Accessed February 23, 2023. https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/cam

5. Elrod JK, Fortenberry JL Jr. Centers of excellence in healthcare institutions: what they are and how to assemble them. BMC Health Serv Res. 2017;17(suppl 1):425. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-017-2340-y

6. Exercise during cancer treatment. Cancer.Net. Approved June 2022. Accessed February 23, 2023. https://www.cancer.net/survivorship/healthy-living/exercise-during-cancer-treatment

7. Female fertility and cancer. American Cancer Society, Inc. Updated February 6, 2020. Accessed February 23, 2023. https://www.cancer.org/content/dam/CRC/PDF/Public/8069.00.pdf

8. Gershenson DM, Bodurka DC, Lu KH, et al. Impact of age and primary disease site on outcome in women with low-grade serous carcinoma of the ovary or peritoneum: results of a large single-institution registry of a rare tumor. J Clin Oncol. 2015;33(24):2675-2682. https://doi.org/10.1200/JCO.2015.61.0873

9. Grabowski JP, Harter P, Heitz F, et al. Operability and chemotherapy responsiveness in advanced low-grade serous ovarian cancer. An analysis of the AGO Study Group metadatabase. Gynecol Oncol. 2016;140(3):457-462. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ygyno.2016.01.022

10. Hu S, Baraghoshi D, Chang C-P, et al. Mental health disorders among ovarian cancer survivors in a population-based cohort. Cancer Med. 2023;12(2):1801-1812. https://doi.org/10.1002/cam4.4976

11. Moujaber T, Balleine RL, Gao B, Madsen I, Harnett PR, DeFazio A. New therapeutic opportunities for women with low-grade serous ovarian cancer. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2021;29(1):R1-R16. https://doi.org/10.1530/ERC-21-0191

12. NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Ovarian Cancer, 2022. ©National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2022. All rights reserved. Accessed February 23, 2023. https://www.nccn.org/patients/guidelines/content/PDF/ovarian-patient.pdf

13. Norton TR, Manne SL, Rubin S, et al. Prevalence and predictors of psychological distress among women with ovarian cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2004;22(5)919-926. https://doi.org/10.1200/JCO.2004.07.028

14. Nutrition in cancer care (PDQ®)–patient version. National Cancer Institute. Updated May 24, 2022. Accessed October 18, 2022. https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/side-effects/appetite-loss/nutrition-pdq#_125

15. Seeking a second opinion. Cancer.Net. Approved March 2021. Accessed February 23, 2023. https://www.cancer.net/navigating-cancer-care/cancer-basics/cancer-care-team/seeking-second-opinion

16. Sex and the adult female with cancer. American Cancer Society, Inc. Updated January 12, 2017. Accessed February 23, 2023. https://www.cancer.org/content/dam/CRC/PDF/Public/6710.00.pdf

17. Slomovitz B, Gourley C, Carey MS, et al. Low-grade serous ovarian cancer: state of the science. Gynecol Oncol. 2020;156(3):715-725. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ygyno.2019.12.033

18. Social & emotional impacts of cancer. The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Accessed February 23, 2023. https://www.mdanderson.org/patients-family/life-after-cancer/social-emotional-impacts.html

19. Support for caregivers of cancer patients. National Cancer Institute. Updated June 22, 2002. Accessed October 18, 2022. https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/coping/caregiver-support

20. Tips for being a successful caregiver. Cancer.Net. Approved July 2019. Accessed February 23, 2023. https://www.cancer.net/coping-with-cancer/caring-loved-one/tips-being-successful-caregiver

21. Watts S, Prescott P, Mason J, McLeod N, Lewith G. Depression and anxiety in ovarian cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence rates. BMJ Open. 2015;5(11):e007618. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2015-007618